Last Friday night, I was painting in the ballroom at the Loew’s Hotel Annapolis. I was joined by four other artists, and while we each created a painting from scratch to be silent auctioned by the end of the evening, we listened to great music, ate delicious food, had a cocktail, met new and interesting people who are now new friends and patrons. I always enjoy painting live because I love a party!
The event was the Junior League of Annapolis (JLA) Masquerade Gala Fundraiser. What an event! Everyone there was vivacious and friendly, and they were having fun. I’m impressed with the professionalism of the organization; a wonderful group of people!

My set up at in the ballroom; newly created painting on the right
It was a fun night, complete with professional tango dancers, and I’m happy to say the painting I created that night sold. Thank you Joann Vaughan, Executive Director of MFA for connecting us with this opportunity! Hats off to Craig Friedrich, the JLA Executive Director for such a well-organized and successful event!
The artists that joined me were David Diaz, Lindsay Bolin Lowery, Mary Ellen Geissenhainer and Andreé Tullier.